Post details: Track UK House Price Falls

Tue, 10 June 2008

Permalink 04:53:12 pm

Track UK House Price Falls

As the UK house price crash is now in full swing, you can track the full extent of the falls in asking prices on,, and You'll need two things installed on your PC:

1) Mozilla's Firefox web browser. It's a free download and can be run along side Internet Explorer, although personally I'd recommend using it all the time.

2) The Property-Bee toolbar. Property-Bee keeps track of the asking price and description of the properties you view so you can see how long they've been on for and the price history. Even better, the data is shared, so if a Property-Bee user has already viewed a property on the site you will see the price it was then.

In the areas I'm tracking I'm already seeing falls in asking prices of 15%+, although I have a feeling that's only the start of it.
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