Archives for: June 2008

Thu, 26 June 2008

Permalink 01:42:47 pm

SmartFTP Is No Longer Free For Home Use

For those who use the free home version of SmartFTP, be aware that when your current version expires and you are forced to upgrade to v3 it is no longer free. There are two ways the developer could have handled this change:

1) Display clearly that it is no longer free, explain the reason why, and thank the people who have helped him by submitting bugs and testing beta releases. Software development takes time, and if he feels he's not being rewarded sufficiently, or people are illegally using the software for business use without paying for a license then fair enough, users would understand.

2) Quietly change the license page on the website and respond tersely when someone posts a question on the forum asking for clarification (or, even worse, just delete the question).

Unfortunately, he has decided to be an arse about it and choose the latter. For this reason I will not be purchasing a license, even though I've been a happy use of his software for the last 4 years and use a licensed copy at work.

If you're in the same boat I would recommend using Filezilla instead. It seems to do most of what SmartFTP does, plus it's released under the GPL so there will always be a free, open source version available.

Tue, 24 June 2008

Permalink 12:22:04 pm

PokerRoom ( ) Contact Telephone Number

Yet another company that insists on hiding their contact telephone number unless you're logged in. Coupled with a contact form that errors when you submit it and live chat that won't load, log in problems become difficult to resolve...

Links: cheap oakley sale.

The 24/7 phone support number for Poker Room ( ) is 0207 026 4217

Fri, 13 June 2008

Permalink 07:31:18 pm

Thank You Ireland

Show the Irish some love and thank them for voting against the Lisbon Treaty. Perhaps now our Government and other EU leaders will start listening to the people.

Thank You Ireland

Tue, 10 June 2008

Permalink 04:53:12 pm

Track UK House Price Falls

As the UK house price crash is now in full swing, you can track the full extent of the falls in asking prices on,, and You'll need two things installed on your PC:

1) Mozilla's Firefox web browser. It's a free download and can be run along side Internet Explorer, although personally I'd recommend using it all the time.

2) The Property-Bee toolbar. Property-Bee keeps track of the asking price and description of the properties you view so you can see how long they've been on for and the price history. Even better, the data is shared, so if a Property-Bee user has already viewed a property on the site you will see the price it was then.

In the areas I'm tracking I'm already seeing falls in asking prices of 15%+, although I have a feeling that's only the start of it.

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